Complaints System



Glen Dimplex Deutschland GmbH (GDD), with the product brands Dimplex and Riedel Kooling, stands for expertise in the development and production of highly efficient solutions for ventilation and temperature management in buildings as well as precision cooling of technologies and processes.

We are very aware of our responsibility to protect human rights and the environment in global supply chains as part of our business activities.

Compliance with applicable legal regulations in their respective areas of application is our top priority. As part of our due diligence obligations under the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG), we have set up a complaints system. Complaints in connection with human rights and environmental risks or suspected or actual violations can be reported here.

All reports and information are taken seriously and treated confidentially. The persons entrusted with processing the reports act impartially and discreetly. Whistleblowers are protected from discrimination or reprisals.

By using the external complaints system from "Safecall", GDD has opted for a leading provider among whistleblowing service providers. IMPORTANT: In order to process your message correctly, Safecall needs to know that the message concerns Glen Dimplex Germany, Riedel Kooling, or Dimplex Germany.

The complete rules of procedure for the complaints system (Section 8 LkSG), including access to the communication channels, can be found here: Rules of procedure for the GDD complaints system


To directly access the digital complaints system „Safecall“, please use this link:

A list of telephone numbers for "Safecall" that can be reached free of charge from over 130 countries can be found here:

If you would like to contact the complaints office at Glen Dimplex Deutschland, please direct your message to:

Via e-mail:

Via Letter mail:    
Glen Dimplex Deutschland GmbH
Social Responsibility Team
Am Goldenen Feld 18
DE – 95326 Kulmbach